Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Day 2 Homework

Tuesday: What questions would you ask in this topic?

          Gene therapy is very intimidating, but it is also intriguing.  With the potential to be a beautiful cure or a deadly weapon, I am curious as to what the possibilities, and the limitations are. What exact proteins, promoters, etc are used to introduce the new gene? Are the splisosomes from the organisms body sufficient to be used in the insertion or deletion? Or do aspects of some bacteria have to be incorporated, as they have the ability to monitor their DNA for irregularities. Is it possible to create and entirely new genome, rather than introduce genes into a previously existing one? If this is possible, scientists could theoretically create new species. In regards to cancer, if the malfunctioning gene is replaced, would it cute he patient? If a mutation such as a trisomy was present in a patient, could this be reveresed past the gamate phase? If the body has already been afflicted physically, is it possible to reverse the affects that have already taken place? What has to be understood about the host while deciding how to insert the gene? Does the method of insertion change in accordance with the organism? What other methods are there other than utilizing a viral vector (similar to HIV) and splicing are there? As interesting as the technological side is, there is also the moral aspect. Is there any way to monitor who is able to use gene therapy? Also, how close in the futue is "designing your child"?

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